Sunday, November 27, 2011

History of the Rat Maze

The End of the Maze

How the rodent labyrinth fell out of favor.

Drop a mouse in some water and white paint, and it will know just what to do. Mice can swim, by whipping their tails like a flagellum, but they don't like doing it; a mouse in a tub tries to find a way out. There's no need for training, or food pellets, or annoying electric shocks: To put a mouse through a water maze, you need only to build a little platform for it, hidden somewhere just beneath the surface. The mouse will try to find that platform without any encouragement.

It's a setup that's so simple—and so useful in measuring an animal's capacity for learning and memory—it hardly seems like it would need inventing. But it took a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland to come up with the tub-and-platform method. In 1979, Richard Morris built a heated pool about 4 feet and 3 inches in diameter, filled it with water and fresh milk, and then added a platform made of stones and drain piping. Within a few years, his method (designed for rats) had been adapted for smaller lab mice, and had made its way into rodent labs around the world. Now it's among the most widespread animal-testing protocols in all of biomedicine. Scientists plunge mice in murky water to test the effects of brain damage, or the functions of particular genes on learning, or the efficacy of new drugs for treating Alzheimer's. You can even buy a standard-issue "Morris Water Maze" direct from a lab-supply shop, along with specialized software for recording its results.

That fact that so few of us would call a tub full of milk a “maze” only goes to show that rodent mazes aren't what they used to be. Early psychologists tempted rats with tricky blind alleys and wrong turns using contraptions built by hand, of wood and wire. The modern analogs of these devices—the standard rodent mazes of today—come in a few pared-down, elementary forms, pressed from plastic and sold in bulk: A tub, a circle, a plus-sign, a T-shape. The classic implement of behavioral psychology has grown ever less convoluted since it was first invented—less intricate, less mazy. Instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth, today's scientists try to elicit a few simple behaviors that can be measured in simple ways. How long did it take the mouse to find the platform? Did he go left or right at the fork?

Traditional mazes take a long time to learn, says Jacqueline Crawley, a mouse behavior expert at the National Institute of Mental Health. (Her friends call her "Mrs. Frisby.") If you want to increase your throughput and generate more data, you're better off with a standard rig. "There are no motivation issues in the water maze,” she explains. You simply drop an animal in the tub a few times per day, over the span of about a week, "and then you’re done.” To run a mouse through a custom-made labyrinth full of twists and turns might take many weeks of training and produce results that can't easily be compared to those from other labs. The classic, elaborated maze that ruled the lab for half the 20th century has grown as outdated as a phonograph. What happened?

The history of the labyrinth falls in line with the history of lab rodents: Both got their start in the early 1900s and had become standard research tools by the end of the 1930s. Still, the earliest navigational puzzles were built for simpler animals. For his 1882 book on Ants, Bees and Wasps, a polymath named John Lubbock constructed simple animal mazes using objects from around the house. He tested whether Hymenopterans could negotiate obstacles like a pencil, a China cup, and a hat box. Eventually, he devised a wooden table made from rotating discs, to see how they would confuse his lines of marching ants.


Rats made their way into the research lab at the turn of the century, starting with a group of researchers in Chicago and at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. A graduate student at Clark named Willard Small was the first to use a rodent maze to study learning. In 1901, he published the details of his new contraption: A platform about 6 feet long by 8 feet wide, covered with sawdust, and divided into galleries with walls of wire netting. He took the plan from a diagram of the hedge maze at Hampton Court, with an open space at the center, and six cul-de-sacs. The layout was selected with a natural setting in mind, he wrote, so that his experiments would be "couched in a familiar language" of rodent burrows.


Small released his animals into the maze every evening, two at a time, by sliding open a glass door with a pulley as if it were a palace portcullis. Then he'd observe the animals for a while, recording their every sniff and sojourn in his notebook, before leaving them to wander the maze for the rest of the night. His 1901 paper includes extravagantly detailed accounts of each run through the maze, with its turning points described in numerical or alphabetic shorthand:

B first out. Directly to 2, pause—a very human-like indecision. After 5 or 6 abortive starts each way, finally entered 2 and proceeded slowly to end. Turned and swiftly retraced his steps. At mouth of 2 joined by A. Together they proceeded placidly to end of 3. Turned instantly and galloped back swiftly out of 3, not slowing up until e. Here B, charmed by the odor from C, stopped to dig. A, forward soberly, hesitated at x turning now right, now left, but finally on to n

The Hampton Court maze, designed to resemble both a rat's wild habitat and the carefully trimmed shrubbery of a British castle, became a neat metaphor for the taming of woolly Nature in the lab. Soon other researchers adapted Small's method with varying degrees of success. In 1902, A.J. Kinnaman put a pair of rhesus monkeys in a 17-foot-wide version of the same maze. A few years later, James Porter tried running some English sparrows and a female cowbird through the setup before resorting to a dumbed-down version with fewer blind alleys.


This new approach to psychology moved in strange directions. In October 1911, a graduate student at the University of Chicago named Fleming Perrin began testing his professors and colleagues in a local amusement-park attraction called the "Mouse-trap." He blindfolded each subject with a band of black silk and set them loose in a 45-foot-wide, duodecagonal maze while he watched from a catwalk. "The subjects became so engrossed in the search for openings," he wrote, "that a few unlooked for bodily contacts with the ends of blind passages resulted."


Attempts to run non-rodents through mazes were short-lived. Soon the rat became the standard animal in psychology, and the maze was the standard apparatus for the rat. One crucial innovation came from a young psychologist named James B. Watson, who for his dissertation sent rodents through a Hampton Court maze while under various degrees of sensory deprivation: Some rats he blinded; others he deafened; still others had their whiskers plucked or their paws covered over. The animals could navigate by "chain reflex" alone, he found—a kinesthetic sense of how to reach the food at the center. For one famous study, known as the "kerplunk" experiment, he altered the maze slightly after the rats had learned it. The animals were so accustomed to the original layout that they ran smack into the wall, kerplunk.


Watson moved on from the Hampton Court layout to a circular maze of his own design, with concentric, interconnected passages. Lamps hung over the setup and researchers could track and trace the paths of their rodents by means of a camera lucida. Through a series of experiments conducted on this and other mazes, he developed a theory of behavior that recognized "no dividing line between man and brute." You could learn everything you might want to know about human psychology, he suggested, from the behavior of rats in a maze.

A golden age of labyrinths soon followed. The psychologists John Connors and Richard E. Brown describe this period in an exhaustive, unpublished paper on the history of the rodent maze. A vast array of new designs made their way into the literature: Walter R. Miles, for example, perfected the elevated trestle maze—a precursor to more simple, modern variants like the Elevated Plus Maze—in his garage near Stanford University. Rats raced around an open structure that resembled a railroad bridge or roller coaster, impelled toward their goal by a fear of heights. The new design made it easier to observe the rats' movements, and the maze could be collapsed for storage.


Back at Clark University, Walter S. Hunter came up with a maze that looked like an M. C. Escher drawing: the Double-Alternation Tridimensional Spatial Maze. Rats had to navigate an upward spiral that required repeating right-right and left-left turns. This setup proved extremely difficult to learn (at least for blinded animals with their whiskers plucked): Just six of the 23 rats tested learned to make it through without an error.


The golden age of maze-building would soon come to an end, however. In the 1920s, the psychologist B.F. Skinner put rats through mazes as many of his colleagues did, but by the end of the following decade his faith in the method had waned. He began testing rats and pigeons in a bare-bones, lever-pressing apparatus. As Skinner's influence grew over the next few decades, conventional maze research fell into decline. Psychologists turned their attention toward the study of reinforcement schedules and stimulus-response relationships that could be measured without having to build a double-alternating, tridimensional spiral.


In the 1940s, what mazes remained were often reduced to simpler forms, such as the T-maze or the Y-maze, in which an animal has only one choice to make—left or right. The pared-down, binary layout was more amenable to statistical analysis, and it may have resonated with the developing science of information theory. At a conference on cybernetics in 1951, the father of that field, Claude Shannon, presented his own, newfangled version of the rodent maze. His lab animal was an electronic rat named "Theseus," which used some rudimentary rules of machine learning to navigate a walled grid like a Roomba.

Claude Shannon's electromechanical mouse, Theseus, navigates a maze.

Some new, unfussy mazes (for live rodents) emerged in the late-1970s, including the Barnes Maze, which consisted only of a circular platform, 4 feet in diameter, with a series of holes drilled along its perimeter—like an oversized View-Master reel laid flat. The design took advantage of a rat or mouse's tendency to seek shelter from brightly lit, open spaces. An animal placed at the center of the maze checks out each hole until it finds one that leads to the safety of a dark, enclosed box. It's a task that's simple enough for mice (which tend to be a little duller than rats), and, like the Morris Water Maze, it doesn't require any electric shocks or dietary inducements.

The elaborated maze had nearly gone extinct. As mice started to replace rats for laboratory experiments in the 1980s and 1990s, rodent mazes grew even more standardized and simplified. The Barnes Maze, along with a few others—the Morris Water Maze, the Radial Maze, the Elevated Plus, the Elevated Zero, and the Y- and the T-Maze—became ubiquitous.

In 2009, a molecular biologist and physicist from Princeton named David Tank introduced the next major step in the evolution of maze research. His setup includes no walls or passageways, no platforms or tubs of water. Instead, he clamps the heads of his Black-6 mice in place and leaves their paws free to skitter across the surface of an 8-inch Styrofoam sphere suspended on a cushion of air. It works like a giant trackball, which the mouse can use to maneuver through a virtual maze (built using software from the video game Quake II) that's projected onto a video screen.

Tank's approach allows him to image the brains of his mice through a microscope, or measure the activity of their neurons, as they move through an imaginary space. Having designed a spatial learning task that's entirely removed from real-world constraints, scientists can now create any sort of maze imaginable, no matter how convoluted or obtuse. They can even test their mice on a course that distorts or shifts in the middle of an experiment. But so far, Tank has only constructed two virtual mazes: The first is a linear track, and the second is in a basic T-shape. That's the fate of the modern maze—the research gets more advanced, but the task gets simpler.

Want to see some awesome mazes? Check out Mazes To Amaze by Yonatan Frimer - Tarquin Publications These are some of the most incredible mazes of optical illusions that you'll see in your life.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Awesome mazes of all type

Maze of Gilad Shalit Wearing Uniform and Rifle
Maze of Gilad Shalit - Kidnapped Israeli Soldier by hamas Maze of Gilad Shalit wearing Uniform and Rifle
Maze of Gilad Shalit wearing Uniform and Rifle

Click here to Download these Images of Gilad Shalit in High resolution PDF

Cartoon maze on sniper sanctions against Iran fuel imports
maze cartoon of sniper sanctions on Iran
Maze cartoon of snipers aiming a big gun marked USA/Iran sanctions as they take aim at the gasoline imports. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution of sniper sanctions on Iran

Cartoon Maze: Not the size of the boat... By Yonatan Frimer

Not the size of the maze, its the motion of the pen

Maze cartoon of Bibi Netanyahu and PM Erdogan in the mens room, sizing each other up. Erdogan has a scronful look on his face and defends, "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

Super Trippy Optical Illusion spinning maze

Chaos Maze

Maze Museum 2006
international maze of a museum
Mazeum, by Yonatan Frimer

Happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life, impels us through all its mazes and meanderings, but leads none of us by the same route.

Charles Caleb Colton quotes (English sportsman and writer, 1780-1832)

Maze Kong - Ink on Paper

Maze Kong

CLICK on any maze to view, print and enjoy. Free.
- Only at -

April Showers Bring Maze Flowersclick me!My MAZErotti does 185

Hallucamazenic Maze-A-Delic - Ink On Paper, Winter 2006, by Y. Frimer

Maze A Delical mazes

Maze of a a field of mushrooms

These mazes are from this source - CLICK TO VIEW MAZE SOURCE

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Frimer Coriolis Maze

Coriolis Effect Maze - Tornado Forming

forming tornado maze, the twisted and warped maze by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of a twisted and warped time-space.
This maze should be fairly easy for you to solve but if you can't,
then you can find the solution to the twisted and warped maze

Top four-teen places to download the Twisted and Wraped Maze

  1. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Devian Art
  2. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Flickr
  4. Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
  5. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on TwitPic
  6. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze On Rossello Damiano
  7. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Photobucket
  8. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Saatchi Online
  9. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Live Journal
  10. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Picassa
  11. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Twisted Tornado Maze on Blogger
  13. Tornado Twisted maze again on Blogger (de facto maze)
  14. Another blog of this coriolis effect maze
The Coriolis effect is a strange phenomenon of our globe shaped planet. As objects are hurled at speed toward the north or south, their trajectory bends as the projectile flies because the earth's rotation gives every atom of our world and existing speed which alternates with latitude. This maze celebrates and draws inpiration from this concept and illustrates the formation of a tornado.

one cool thing about teh Coriolis effect, it is reversed when you cross the equator. Bathtubs and sinks and toilets swirl the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere as they do in the northern hemisphere. And if you were on an airplane and ran the sink as the plane crossed the equator, it would stop swirling at some point and then start swirling the opposite direction. WILD!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Chaos Maze of Optical Illusion by Yonatan Frimer

Chaos Maze - Optical Illusion
Chaos maze art by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of artists rendition of Chaos mixed with Optical Illusion mantra
If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the Chaos maze solution


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Chaos (play /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/;[1] Greek: χάος ) in Greek mythology and cosmology referred to a gap or abyss at the beginning of the world, or more generally the initial, formless state of the universe[2] (the antithetical, or possibly complementary, concept was cosmos).

Later uses of the term by philosophers varied over time. In modern English, the word is used in classical studies with the original meaning; in mathematics and science to refer to a very specific kind of unpredictability; and informally to mean a state of confusion.[3] In philosophy, and in popular culture, the word can occur with all three meanings.

Top Twelve Places to Download The Chaos Maze
  1. Chaos Maze on Devian Art
  2. Maze Chaos on Fine Art America
  3. Chaos Maze on Flickr
  4. Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
  5. Maze of Chaos TwitPic
  6. Chaos Maze On Rossello Damiano
  7. Maze of Chaos on Photobucket
  8. Chaos Maze on Saatchi Online
  9. Chaos Maze on Live Journal
  10. Chaos Maze on Picassa
  11. Chaos Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Chaos Maze on Team Of Monkeys . com
  13. Check out this and other maze on ArtMaze blog on wordpress
  14. Chaos maze on I Dream Of Mazes maze-blog

Thursday, April 28, 2011

‘Lost’ maze revealed in Buckinghamshire

click here to read the article source

A ‘lost’ maze has been revealed in the gardens at Cliveden in Buckinghamshire by the National Trust. The maze that disappeared over half a century ago, originally made for Lord Astor in 1894, has been re-created using over 1,000 two metre (six feet six inches) high yew trees.

The fully-fledged maze is based on one that was built for Lord Astor in 1894 but had ceased to be maintained since the mid-1900s.

The new maze, a horticultural project on a scale rarely seen these days, has taken two years to create, using over 1,000 metres of steel edging and 120 tonnes of gravel to produce 500 metres of path over one third of an acre. It is the same size as the world-famous Hampton Court maze.

Lord Astor’s designs for the maze were discovered in National Trust archives in 2005. Apart from a few surviving yew trees that provided the exact location of the maze, little else was known about the original maze.

The two-year project was led by Cliveden’s head gardener Andrew Mudge. He said: “Once we found the old plans in 2005 we just felt compelled to recreate it. It took a lot of research and planning to firstly draw out the plans, and to prepare the ground.

“The maze will take a little while to really establish itself and fill out, but it’s fantastic that people can enjoy it straight away. And don’t worry, you can’t cheat by pushing through the hedges because they are all enclosed by metal railings.

“And because it’s yet to appear on Google Earth, there’s no cheating using mobile phones either, so it’s a real treat for people who want to puzzle their way in and out of the maze.”

Each tree on arrival, weighed approximately 60 kilograms, and four 40 foot long lorries were required to transport them.

Mike Calnan, head of gardens and parks at the National Trust, said: “Mazes provide a perfect opportunity for people to get outdoors and to have fun exploring these rare, but important features from our gardening past. The Cliveden maze will be the most important yew maze the Trust will have restored to date.”

The Maze is a highlight in Cliveden’s ongoing renaissance to return it to its former 19th Century splendour, when the grounds were world famous for their sophisticated planting and landscaping. Other recent developments include the opening up of long lost vistas and footpaths and the re-instatement of historical planting schemes.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Awesome Optical Illusion Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Inside the Mobius strip - Optical Illusion Maze

"Please Stop Spinning" Optical Illusion Maze
Optical Illusion Maze
Maze of a crazy optical illusion that causes the viewer to think that the circles are moving or spinning, although they don't change or move at all.
Top Twelve Places to Download The Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze
  1. Picassa Web Maze of Spinning Super Swirl
  2. Swirly Spinning Maze on Devian Art
  3. Please stop spinning maze on Fine Art America
  4. Spin to stop maze on Flickr
  5. Optical Illusion Mazes Facebook
  6. Please STOP Spinning Maze on TwitPic
  7. Super Swirly Maze Optical Illusion
  8. Maze Super Spin Please Stop on Photobucket
  9. Swirly Super Maze on Saatchi Online
  10. Super Swirly Maze on Live Journal
  11. Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Please Stop Spinning Maze on Maze BLOG

Doppler Optical Illusion Maze of an Elliptical Spiral
eliptical spiral dopler maze
Maze art of a Doppler warping elliptical spiral by Yonatan Frimer

Top Thirteen Places to Download Doppler Elliptical Maze

  1. Eliptical Maze on Devian Art
  2. Maze Eliptical Dopler on Fine Art America
  3. Maze Dopler El Eliptical on Flickr
  4. Dopler Maze on Facebook
  5. Maze Elliptical Spiral on TwitPic
  6. Dopler Maze Rossello Damiano
  7. Maze Psychedelic Nike Just Do It on Photobucket
  8. Dopler Maze on Saatchi
  9. Eliptical Maze on Live Journal
  10. Dopler Maze on Picassa Web
  11. Eliptical Spiral Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Dopler Eliptical Spiral Maze on
  13. Doppler Maze Blog

Happy Judaica Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Yonatan Frimer maze art of happy face made of jewish symbols
Maze of two Hamsas (Hand of Fatima) for the eyes, a magen david (AKA Star of David) and a menorah make the crude appearance of a smiley face. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Having problems solving the mazes, view the maze solution to happy judaica Maze, in the rare even you can't solve this maze on your own

Top Eleven Ways to Download the Happy Judaica Maze
  1. Judaica Maze Art on Facebook
  2. Happy Judaica Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Happy Judaica
  4. Judaica Maze Art on Devian Art
  5. Happy Jewish Maze on Flickr
  6. Judaica Happy Maze on the TwitPic
  7. Maze of Happy Judaica on Photobucket
  8. Happy Judaica Maze on Saatchi
  9. Happy Judaica Maze on Live Journal
  10. Get Happy Judaica Maze on Red Bubble
  11. Happy Judaica maze on Maze blog
And you can get the Happy Judaica Maze at the source at Team Of Monkeys . Com

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Optical Illusion Mazes

Optical Illusion Maze | Hurts The Eyes | Floating Box Illusion

Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze
Hurts-The-Eyes Optical Illusion Maze | Maze of floating box optical illusion | Yonatan Frimer

Close your eyes and look away if you feet faint or dizzy. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Top eleven Places to find the Psychedelic Optical Illusion "Hurts The Eyes" Maze:

  1. Hurts the Eyes Optical Illusion Maze on Facebook
  2. Hurts The Eyes Optical Illusion on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Optical Illusion that hurts the eyes
  4. Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze that hurts the eys on Devian Art
  5. Hurts the Eyes Optical illusion Maze by Yonatan Frimer on Flickr
  6. Maze of Optical Illusion that hurts the eye and is of a floating box on TwitPic
  7. Maze of an Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes on Photobucket
  8. Maze of optical illusion that hurts the eyes on Saatchi Online
  9. Optical Illusion Maze that hurts the eyes by Yonatan Frimer on Live Journal
  10. Get the Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes at the source at Team Of Monkeys . Com
  11. Or Check out The Maze Blog for the Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes

Optical Illusion Maze | Your Ad Here Campaign | Maze Ad

Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Swirly Maze psychedelic pattern
Swirly Optical Illusion Maze | Maze with psychedelic swirly | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer

Graphic sample to be used with a logo or ad in the middle. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Top Eleven Places to find the Psychedelic Optical Illusion Swirly Maze:

  1. Psychedelic Optical Illusion Maze on Facebook
  2. Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Swirly Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Optical Illusion Swirly Psychedelic Puzzle
  4. Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze on Devian Art
  5. Psychedelic swirly maze by Yonatan Frimer on Flickr
  6. Maze of Optical Illusion Psychedelic Swirl by Yonatan Frimer on TwitPic
  7. Optical Illusion Maze By Yonatan Frimer on Rossello Damiano
  8. Maze of an Optical Illusion Swirly Vortex on Photobucket
  9. Maze of optical illusion swirly by Yonatan Frimer on Saatchi Online
  10. Optical Illusion Maze by Yonatan Frimer on Live Journal
  11. Or get the swirly optical illusion maze at the maze blog

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nike Maze of Just Do It and Swoosh Ad, by Yonatan Frimer

Just Do It | Nike Campaign | Maze Ad

nike just do it maze psychedelic
Nike Maze | Just Do It | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer

CLICK image to view maze LARGER

Art sample of a Nike Ad for a project I am working on to explore the impact of using mazes for ads.

These ads where created for sample purpose only and have not been used in any actual campaign by Nike and do not represent their brand.

Top 11 Places to Download Nike "Just Do It" Maze Ads

  1. Picassa Web Just Do It Nike Maze
  2. Nike Just Do It Maze on Devian Art
  3. Maze of Nike Logo and Just Do It on Fine Art America
  4. Maze Of Just Do It Nike Swoosh on Flickr
  5. Nike Maze on Facebook Just Do It
  6. Maze of the Just Do It Nike on TwitPic
  7. Psychedelic Nike Maze Online
  8. Maze Psychedelic Nike Just Do It on Photobucket
  9. Nike Maze on Saatchi "Just Do It" Online
  10. Nike Maze on Live Journal
  11. Nike Maze on Blogger
And you Car Jacking Maze at the Source on Team Of Monkeys . COM

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Maze of Car Jacking LoJack Ad by Yonatan Frimer

Car Jacking Maze LoJack Ad

car jacking maze
Car Jacking Maze | Advertisement for LoJack | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a Car Jacking as an advertisment for LoJack. The image was created using high contrast style that is very memorable. If you find yourself thinking about this ad in the next 3 days, then I think it worked.

These ads where created for sample purpose only and have not been used in any actual campaign by LoJack and do no represent their brand.

Top Ten Place to Download Car Jacking Maze

  1. Picassa Web Car Jacking Maze
  2. Car Jacking Maze on Devian Art
  3. Maze of Car Jacking on Fine Art America
  4. Maze Of Car Jacking on Flickr
  5. Car Jacking Maze on Facebook
  6. Maze of the Car Jacking on TwitPic
  7. Maze of Car Jacking Online
  8. Maze of Car Jacking on Photobucket
  9. Car Jacking Maze on Saatchi Online
  10. Car Jacking Maze on Live Journal

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quarter Maze | Monkey Maze | Night Maze | by Yonatan Frimer

M is for Monkey(s) Maze
Yonatan Frimer M is for Maze of Monkeys
Click for Maze Solution of Monkey Maze
Maze of monkeys holding up their own letters. Created to go right next to the maze of the letter M for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basic reading, and how to count. Maze ends in the lower left corner and begins in the upper left corner.

Top Ten URL's to download Monkey Maze:
  1. Monkeys Maze on Flickr
  2. Maze of Monkeys on Twitpic and Twitter
  3. Monkeys Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Monkey Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com
  5. Maze of Monkey maze on photobucket
  6. Maze of Monkeys on The Facebook
  7. My Monkey Maze on PicasaWeb
  8. Your Monkey Maze on Devian Art
  9. Our Monkey Maze on Fine Art America
  10. Monkey Maze on Rossello Damiano
Also thanks to this source for the monkey maze

N Is For Night Maze

Yonatan Frimer Moon at Night Maze Art
Click for Maze Solution of Night Maze
Maze of the moon in the dark of night with stars all around. Created to go right next to the maze of the letter N for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basic reading, and how to count. Maze ends in the lower left corner and begins in the upper left corner.

Top Ten (Eleven) URL's to download Monkey Maze:
  1. Night Maze on Flickr
  2. Night Maze on Twitpic and Twitter
  3. Night Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Night Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com
  5. Night maze on photobucket
  6. Night Maze on The Facebook
  7. Night Maze on Live Journal
  8. Night Maze on PicasaWeb
  9. Night Maze on Devian Art
  10. Night Maze on Fine Art America
  11. Night Maze on Rossello Damiano
And special thanks for this maze source for the night maze cometh

Q is for Quarter Maze
Awseome maze of a quarter dollar coin by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Quarter Maze
Maze of a quarter of a quarter dollar for the letter Q maze. Created to go right next to the maze of the letter Q for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basic reading, and how to count. Maze ends in the lower left corner and begins in the upper left corner. Try to solve it without peaking at the solution. Good Luck!

Top Ten +1 |URL's to download Quarter Maze
  1. Quarter Maze on Flickr
  2. Quarter Maze on Twitpic and Twitter
  3. Quarter Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Quarter Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com
  5. Quarter maze on photobucket
  6. Quarter Maze on Facebook
  7. Quarter Maze on PicasaWb
  8. Quarter Maze on Live Journal
  9. Quarter Maze on Devian Art
  10. Quarter Maze on Fine Art America
  11. Quarter Maze on Rossello Damiano
we'd also like to thank this source for providing the quarter maze

Also, thanks to this source for these mazes

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mazes by Yonatan Frimer includeing Stop Sign Maze, electricity Maze and Union Maze

S is for Stop Sign Maze
yonatan frimer stop sign maze
Click for Maze Solution of Stop Sign Maze
Maze of a Stop Sign to go right next to the maze of the letter S for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. The maze begins in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Try to solve the maze in as little time as possible, and by starting at the begining and going all the way to the end of the maze. By Yonatan Frimer.

Special thanks to this source for introducing us to Stop Sign MAZE!

Top Ten |URL's to download Stop Sign Maze
  1. Stop Sign Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Stop Sign Maze on Flickr
  3. Stop Sign Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Stop Sign Maze on Picasa
  5. Stop Sign Maze on Live Journal
  6. Stop Sign Maze on photobucket
  7. Stop Sign Maze on Twitpic
  8. Stop Sign Maze on Devian Art
  9. Stop Sign Maze on Facebook
  10. Stop Sign Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

U is for Union Maze
psychedelic electrical outlet maze
Click for Maze Solution of Union Maze
Maze of two hands holding to form a union, to go right next to the maze of the letter U for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. The maze begins in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Try to solve the maze in as little time as possible, and by starting at the begining and going all the way to the end of the maze. By Yonatan Frimer.
Maze source for Union Maze

Top Ten |URL's to download Union Maze
  1. Union Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Union Maze on Flickr
  3. Union Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Union Maze on Picasa
  5. Union Maze on Live Journal
  6. Union maze on photobucket
  7. Union Maze on Twitpic
  8. Union Maze on Devian Art
  9. Union Maze on Facebook
  10. Union Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

E is for Electricity Maze
psychedelic electrical outlet maze
Click for Maze Solution of Electric Outlet Maze
Maze of an electrical outlet with psychedelic lightning bolts coming out of it. The maze starts in the upper-left corner and the maze ends in the lower right-hand corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source for the Electricity Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Top Ten |URL's to download Electricity Maze
  1. Electricity Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Electricity Maze on Flickr
  3. Electricity Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Electricity Maze on Picasa
  5. Electric Maze on Live Journal
  6. Electric maze on photobucket
  7. Electric Maze on Twitpic
  8. Electric Maze on Devian Art
  9. Electricity Maze on Facebook
  10. Electic Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

J is for Jump Maze
volley ball jump maze yonatan frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Jump Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, "Learn To A Maze" Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Maze Image and content came from this source

Top Ten List of where to download the Jump Maze by Yonatan Frimer:
  1. Jump Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Jump Maze on Flickr
  3. Jump Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Jump Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Jump Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. Jump Maze on Live Journal
  7. Jump maze on photobucket
  8. Jump Maze on Twitpic
  9. Jump Maze on Devian Art
  10. Jump Maze on Facebook
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